Feelings of hunger came and went. It was the first time in 37 years I had not sought to satisfy my hunger. It was an exercise in discipline and introspective somatic observation. The first three days were the most difficult; by day four and five the hunger pangs had become less noticeable. During the five days I made a vegemite sandwich (pictured) and pieces of tropical fruit out of the foil. I spent what felt like a great deal of time thinking about food. What would I eat when I finally concluded the performance and in what order I would consume what little food I had stored in the house. I planned a menu (and cooked it in my head) for the other artists in residence.
The first thing I ate was a banana and some honey I licked off the tip of a teaspoon. It tasted wonderful. I ate soft gentle food for the following three days until my digestive system was reactivated to its pre-fast pace. My first full meal was a dinner of bangers and mash, with peas and gravy on Friday 24 October.
I drank fluids when thirsty, only water and some pre prepared nettle and peppermint teas (600ml/day) I kept in the refrigerator. I only drank the nettle tea for the first 2 days, after which it became indigestible. The peppermint tea was a pleasant treat to look forward to each day. I also had a salt rich liquid (600ml/day) for the last 2 days.
I avoided bathing daily. It was not necessary as I was not expending large amounts of energy or felt I needed to. On day 3 I bathed by washing myself gently with a wet face cloth at the bathroom vanity basin. On day 5 I filled the bathtub with a few centimetres of warm water and had a gentle bath.
I did yoga each day, only kneeling, sitting and lying asanas.

I avoided bathing daily. It was not necessary as I was not expending large amounts of energy or felt I needed to. On day 3 I bathed by washing myself gently with a wet face cloth at the bathroom vanity basin. On day 5 I filled the bathtub with a few centimetres of warm water and had a gentle bath.
I did yoga each day, only kneeling, sitting and lying asanas.
I would write in a sketchbook each day, I kept it by a leg of the coffee table. I would turn the corner when I filled a page and book mark it using a ball point pen.

The space at Bundanon I inhabited is the musicians’ cottage. There was a beautiful Yamaha baby grand piano I would play. I had never played the keyboard before. Through repetition and slowly becoming accustomed with the functions of the foot pedals, I created a 10 minute piano piece I gave as a recital to the other artists in residence on 27 October 2008 (in the dark).
Early on the first day, I had the most energy, which began to wane by the evening. On day 2 my energy level fell dramatically. I spent much time resting. My thoughts were my constant companion. On days 3 & 4 I didn’t have the energy to make anything, so I didn’t, thinking that its ok ‘I might make something tomorrow’.
Early on the first day, I had the most energy, which began to wane by the evening. On day 2 my energy level fell dramatically. I spent much time resting. My thoughts were my constant companion. On days 3 & 4 I didn’t have the energy to make anything, so I didn’t, thinking that its ok ‘I might make something tomorrow’.